
Feel free to contact us using the following methods:

Phone: 01244 681311


Visit Us:
Pullman House, The Sidings
Boundary Lane, Saltney

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Directions to Pullman House:

From Chester, Wirral and Manchester:

Proceed out of Chester towards Wrexham on the A483 travelling past the law courts, the racecourse and over the River Dee. On approaching the large roundabout take the right hand lane which is signed ‘Saltney A5104’ and is the fourth exit off the roundabout. Proceed along this road for approximately ¾ mile to 1 mile passing through a set of traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing. As you enter Saltney on this same road you pass under the railway bridge and Pullman House is directly on the left hand side, you will see the large signs.

From Wrexham (A483):

Proceed into Chester passing the Chester Business Park, the Kings School and the Grosvenor Nuffield Hospital. On approaching the large roundabout take the left hand lane and take the second exit off the roundabout which is the A5104 to Saltney. Proceed along this road for approximately ¾ mile to 1 mile passing through a set of traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing. As you enter Saltney on this same road you pass under the railway bridge and Pullman House is directly on the left hand side, you will see the large signs.

From North Wales (A55):

Come off the A55 where it is signposted for Broughton and Saltney. Proceed along the A5104 towards Chester passing British Aerospace on your left. Follow the road passing a Shell garage on your right after which you will come to a set of traffic lights – at this point you will see Pullman House to your right. Turn right at the lights into Boundary Lane and left through the gates into The Sidings.

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